The 15 Year Charter Member Exclusive is from the 1928 animated short, "Plane Crazy" starring Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
'First Flight' (6-3/8") is available with a Charter Member backstamp to Society Members with 15 years of consecutive membership and authentically portrayed in black and white, just as they appeared in the film, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon ever produced.
Charter Members who have already renewed for 2007 (Cinderella Membership Kit) will receive their redemption certificates inside the May Sketches (mailing later this month). If the Charter Member chooses to wait until their expiration date to renew their membership, they will receive their 15th Anniversary Redemption Certificate within 4-6 weeks after the renewal is processed.
The Plane is comprised of mixed media featuring a resin body, a steel propeller, pewter steering wheel, a brass tube and bronze wheel legs. Minnie has pewter legs and a brass wire tail. The sculpture is also accompanied by a wood base with a porcelain inset plaque.
Reminder: Should a member decide they would like to renew early, a full twelve months is added on to their membership's original expiration date. The member does not lose time or change their original renewal month by renewing early (which is a common mis-perception).
There will be another version (non-charter) for the 15-year consecutive Society Members that will not have the Charter Member backstamp and will have an altered inset plaque.
"First Flight" has a SRP of $299.00 US and is sculpted by Bruce Lau.
Thanks for all the info on the piece, Don. This is definitely on my to-buy list when I renew this year. Appreciate all the details on the materials making up the piece's construction. Will these specifics eventually make it onto your secondary info page for this piece?
Great piece! Both Mickey & Minnie are very appealing. I'll put this one on my "wishlist". Too bad I've only been a member for 5 years.
(By the way, I made a WDCC appreciation post on my blog)
I always renew my memberships at the end of the year for the next so I'm expecting to get my redemption certificate this month (hope, hope if the Sketches are on time).
This piece is very cool and still appropriate since this was the first Mickey/Minnie short animated.
Even though the piece is listed as a May release, I wonder if it actually won't show up until June since it will take time to get the piece ordered and shipped to my dealer (the lovely Janeene at Sparkling Rose).
You're welcome Jason! The Secondary was updated earlier this evening :)
When given the schedule changes for 2nd Qtr. (Ursula, Horace and Jasper Badun, Pluto and Scotland), the email contained the following regarding the remaining quarter releases (The Old Mill and Mickey & Minnie):
"We expect the other second quarter introductions to remain as announced."
Going to wager that Mickey & Minnie will arrive in May.
Thanks for the xtra info about the piece Don. I'm still a torn about whether to get it or not. I'm not a b/w fan and would have liked/preferred something which explored different characters.
Michael, Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary!
Do you plan on adding Mickey Mouse from "Steamboat Willie"
Look forward to reading your WDCC post on your blog!
Thanks Don. Here's hoping...
Maybe they have some that they will ship to dealers like the instant redemption program of previous years.
I'm usually not a fan of the black and white pieces but I do like this one. Of course I've got plenty of time to decide since this is only my 10 year anniversary!
I'm mixed on black and white. I do have the "Hooray for the Holidays" set and Puppy Love scene which I display both seasonally. I like both sets very much. The other black and white releases I didn't care for as much.
To date have done neither the 5th or 10th Anniv. Charter releases. Not 100% sure regarding the 15th Anniv. Have to admit, it's quite cute for mice :)
Trivia: Donald Duck is the last of the Fab Five characters to finally be done in black and white with the 2006 Open Edition release of "Donald Then and Now."
Nice bit of trivia; tend to forget about Donald's black & white portrayal in that piece. Personally, have wanted to see him done in black & white as an addition to "The Dognapper" short release begun by Mickey.
We got in our display piece last week and they did a nice job on it. I especially like the plaque in the base being porcelain. It really makes it look sharp. The piece is a nice size, too. (Thank goodness...I was a little worried after seeing all the "big" pieces this year!)
Thanks for the update Queenie!
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