I'm sure many have questions regarding this new series. Below is a Q&A session I had with Traci Thomas, Brand Manager for the Walt Disney Classics Collection regarding the inception and future of this series.
Q: How did the Collectors Choice Series come to be?
A: Collectors' Choice is a new series we've launched in response to numerous requests we've received from Walt Disney Collectors Society Members wanting to participate in selecting the Disney moments we recreate in porcelain.
Q: How was Peg from Disney's Lady and the Tramp chosen as the debut release in this series?
A: For the first release we consulted a variety of sources including surveys from past Celebration of Walt Disney Art Classics Events, feedback from collectors at artist signing events, letters and phone calls to the Walt Disney Collectors Society and collector requests on internet enthusiast websites such as yours.
Q: How will future releases be determined for this series?
A: We are working to create a ballot (preferably on-line) where collectors can log in with their WDCS Membership number and vote on the next sculpture in the series from a list of 8-10 choices. If the on-line balloting does not work logistically we will pursue other ways to make the selection such as those used for this year's release.
Q: Can a future release be either an addition to an existing scene or the start of new scene?
A: The next release in the series will depend on our collectors. We are developing our tentative ballot now that will include a character from Walt Disney's Lady and the Tramp Dog Pound Scene (if collectors want Peg to be a start of a new scene they can vote for that character). Another choice would be Friar Tuck from Disney's Robin Hood (if collectors want us to add a character to a scene we've released previously). The list will also include other frequently mentioned candidates such as Sgt Tibbs and the Colonel from Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians, the Horned King from Disney's The Black Cauldron, Pain and Panic from Disney's Hercules, the Gargoyles from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame, etc. Society Members will be limited to one vote and the winner with the most votes would be the next sculpture in the series.
Q: When can collectors expect to see the next release in this series?
A: From concept to finished sculpture it takes us more than a year to bring a moment to life so the next release in the series would be towards the end of 2009.
Thanks Traci very much for taking the time for this Q&A session on the upcoming Collectors Choice Series. Don't forget to participate in Peg and Dog Pound Gang Poll and Lady Too? Poll at the Internet Cafe.
This was an awesome interview with tons of great news for us! THANK YOU!!!
I'm really excited about the online survey if they can manage that. While it will be tough for me to vote just once, I'm thrilled they are trying to set it up so that we use our membership number for a couple of reasons.
First, we know they use that membership card/number for their purposes, but now we can use it for something other than displaying it with our pieces.
Second, and perhaps more importantly, by having us log in with that number to vote, not only could they track which types of pieces the individual collector likes and market specifically to our interests, but by having us use our membership number, they will prevent people from swaying the polls so that one piece gets produced over another. They will avoid an "American Idol mishap" to use a reality TV metaphore.
As for the choices...WOW!!!!!
You're welcome Tim! Thanks for your patience. I held off responding to your questions last week knowing I was planning an entry on the Q&A Session I had with Traci.
Many collectors over the years have commented once a member, other than to receive Society mailings, the member number/card had no other use (as you mentioned in Reason #1).
I hope the on-line voting goes as planned. By registering the votes with a member number, there should be no chance for skewed voting as we've seen with on-line polls and/or possibly the same people attending the events requesting the same thing each time, not truly representing the mix of the collector base (as you mentioned in Reason #2).
I like the fact that this series could be the springboard for a new scene release (Dog Pound Scene) or add to an existing scene (Robin Hood). I have no problem if the Dog Pound Scene would end up with 2 members only releases, it's just one more than the days when we had the Scene Completer (which was a members only offering).
I wonder also if those listed, could garner enough votes if they don't make the Collector Choice Series (CCS), we could see released outside that series. What immediately came to mind was the Horned King. If he didn't get the votes for the CCS, he may still have had a strong enough vote to end up being the subject for the Villains Series? It would help keep that series going and introduce a new Villain vs. one already done. JTDO.
This is all great news.
I'd like to have them add another choice to the list if possible: Mr. Ray from Finding Nemo! :-)
a question!
can current WDCS members actually log into the official web site?
it asks for username and password but does not provide and place to set those up for the first time.
did we get that information from elsewhere and i have managed to miss it?
What great info in that interview! You know I'd love to see Friar Tuck!
It's not fair.
I want them all.
Pain and panic, horned king, friar tuck, the gargoyles.
Where are the hyenas :O.
Hi Kushal,
To log in, please use the following:
Username-Your membership number.
Password-Your zip code.
Since you are in Canada, not sure how the password field will work for you. I noticed in other clubs on the Enesco site, if outside the US, it asked you to select your country.
If you have problems, let me know and I'll see what I can find out for you.
Matthew-Mr. Ray is definitely one I too hope we see!
Bas & Cheryl-Like Cheryl, hope to see not only Friar Tuck but Lady Cluck added as well.
All are great choices so far and understand the list will end up containing 8-10 to choose from. It's definitely not going to be an easy choice.
I remember when a similar type of survey was done via Newsflash back in the late 90's, we were given 4 categories with 4 choices in each and all eventually happened in some capacity or other.
hey Don!
thnx for that info. I had not heard of that from anywhere yet.
I did try it though, and the 6 digit alphanumeric pin code fit in too, but it did not work.
password did not match the username (membership no.)
Hi Kushal,
Try typing in Canada. If that doesn't work, let me know.
nah, that didn't work either ,Don!
thnx for trying t help me though!:)
ok, i just got off the phone with WDCS. there was a problem at their end, they fixed it , and now i am in!! hehe:)
thnx again for helping me, don!
Okay so we have a problem here, or I guess I have a problem here. I WANT ALL of these mentioned. Also where are the Muses? Should be an interesting process and hopefully in the long run all of them will become part of the line. =)
You may not be the only one, but I happen to only want just 1 of those mentioned (besides another of the Dog Pound Gang), and that is the Gargoyles. Scary, huh?
You're welcome Kushal. Glad to be of help and glad the glitch was fixed. Worked with another collector overseas and they were able to access as well after WDCS got it fixed.
Geoffrey-Like you, hope we see all released. For me personally, as posted before, hope we see the whole Dog Pound Scene and have no problem if it ends up two of the releases being part of the Collectors Choice Series.
My vote more than likely (as of now) will go for Friar Tuck. I really like the Robin Hood Scene and wouldn't mind seeing both him and Lady Cluck added.
BJ-Will be interesting to see how the Gargoyles are listed.
Thanks for the info Traci. Definitely the Gargoyles are highest on my list (and Phoebus too) with the Horned King a close second (and Gurgi too). Personally, not a big interest in the dog pound gang or 101 Dalmations.
Hey Babs, like you, no big interest in either the Dog Pound Gang or 101 Dalmatians. As mentioned in an earlier entry, going to take the wait and see approach with Peg and make a decision before her redemption period ends.
From that list, Friar Tuck would be 1st choice and the Gargoyles my 2nd choice. I'd like to see both the Robin Hood and Hunchback of Notre Dame scenes fleshed out further.
Still wondering even if the Horned King from The Black Cauldron is listed, if enough points, we'll see as part of the Villains Series vs. the Collectors Choice Series. JTDO.
I so want Goob, but I figure they're never going to make him. They barely even acknowledge his existence. I loved seeing the maquette of him when we saw "Meet the Robinsons" at El Capitan in Los Angeles. How do I get a hold of THAT!?
This is going to be tough, I'd like to see most of what Traci was talking about! Should prove interesting.
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