A Special Note: Couldn't find confirmed information on the release month for the Hag and Kanga & Roo miniatures but from my research, was able to narrow down to approximately November, 1999. I plan to continue and research this one out and put in the proper month if where I have now, is incorrect. Also, I didn't include the Mickey Cuts Up Base (even though included in the Secondary Guide) since it was produced by Roman for Parkwest/NALED.
The mascots chosen for both 1998 and 1999 come from Sleeping Beauty. The Dancing Pink Aurora ("A Dance in the Clouds") as you can see, is my favorite from 1998. The Dancing Aurora was done in both a pink & blue version, which was the subject of a blog entry this past August.
Making a choice for 1999 wasn't so easy since (at least for me), it was hard to choose between the Maleficent Event Sculpture ("Evil Enchantress") and Maleficent as the Dragon ("And Now You Shall Deal With Me" the 1999 Disneyana Featured Sculpture). Amanda helped me out by creating a logo which featured both. I really like how this logo turned out!! I just might be my favorite. Great job Amanda!!
For all those that asked me to undertake this project, Thank You! If not for your perserverance, it probably may not have happened. While working on this project, also began fixing the meta tags on the individual sculpture pages to help fine-tune the Search Engine. Now that all the Calendar Years are on-line, want to continue working on correcting those pages for releases from 2000-2008. A webmaster's work is never done! LOL!
Great logo for 1999 Don! I remember that Disneyana public day well....it was the first time I saw Marc Davis...but mostly I remember it for standing in line for like 3 hrs to get in!
You're amazing Don! Many thanks!
Michelle & Cheryl,
Thanks very much! You're more than welcome.
I remember being at the first WDAC Convention and that piece being unveiled and totally blown away. It was a definite must have for me. Since I didn't buy the Hitchhiking Ghosts, I substituted the Dragon as my convention purchase later that year :)
You are wonderful. Thank you.
And thanks to Amanda for the wonderful job on the Mal/Dragon logo. It is perfect.
Hope I wasn't too much of a pain in the tookus! I love having these calendars.
Your website never ceases to amaze me. Love all the graphics, trivia, and now, calendars for each year. Can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings for the Duckman's Inside Report.
I think the 1999 logo is the best one of the bunch.
You're more than welcome Jeff! I too thought the logo turned out awesome! I will forward your comment to Amanda, I know she'll appreciate it.
Not a pain at all buddy and truly appreciate the kind words and support!
Ummm, Don, I think that's spelled "buddie".....tee hee
That was way too funny, little feather duster.
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