Enesco, LLC released images and information to their sales reps earlier this afternoon and asked I wait until Saturday morning, to allow reps to get the information out to their dealers. This avoids collectors contacting their dealers and them not prepared to answer any questions on the upcoming Members Only releases.
Thank You for your patience.
Well I say boo hoo to that. I've already received two emails Thursday night from dealers ready to share the news.
Wonder why you have to wait til Saturday? Today is the day everyone will be talking about it.
I haven't opened the emails yet. From the look of your photo here, I think I'm going to love 2008.
Hi Jeff,
This allow reps to get the information out to their dealers and also avoid collectors contacting their dealers and them not prepared to answer any questions they might have.
Herc, I agree with you but also respect Duckman's position. I always end up telling my dealer what the new pieces are, obviously his rep doesn't get the information to him in a timely manner. =)
All hail the Duck!
I definitely do respect the Duckman. Looking forward to seeing the pieces together on his site. With Don's touch, I'm sure we're going to see some nice pictures of old and new pieces put together. Can't wait Don. It will be nice to look at over breakfast.
. . . .yes it's me. . . I'm actually posting something! Well I did forget my gmail accoount username also. . . but anyway, liking the new pics! all the pieces are great really great! I love the B&B piece especially.
Oh and a lighter note. I know you have to respect Enesco and that's good that you do, but I think it's wrong that dealers go on the board and post pics to try and get it out first and in my opinion try to drum up business!
Anyway. . . had to get that out, but do love them and putting the beast with the new belle piece is real cool. Did Amanda do it?
I don't believe it! You finally made it here! LOL!
No, I did both the Belle & Beast and Mermaid Lagoon grouping. See, a Duck can be taught! LOL!
Hey Jimi!!! Bout time you dropped in!
yes yes yes I know. I'm pretty bad at keeping up with this stuff lately!
Don, I think you are not telling the truth and Amanda really did it! lol
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