Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tinker Bell Fall Event Poll Results!

Our recent Tinker Bell Fall Event Sculpture poll has ended. The results are as follows:

25% -
Pre-ordered Immediately & Secured One
14% - Pre-Ordered After Sold Out & Secured One
0% -
Pre-Ordered After Sold Out & Still Looking
7% -
Taking My Chance Event Weekend
54% -
No Interest

39% have secured one, whether pre-ordering before it was announced that Tinker Bell sold out, 7% taking a chance she'll be available the event weekend and 54% having no interest.

I will leave the results up for the Tinker Bell Event Sculpture Poll for a few days for anyone who wants to see/compare the final results. As with previous polls, Blogger results never add exactly to 100%, so the accountant in me recalculated the results based on the number of people who voted in each category to the total :)

Thanks again to all who participated!


  1. I don't think it really matters that 54% don't want it since it already sold out from the warehouse prior to the event, which is simply amazing. And I'm sure that some of the dealers that didn't participate are kicking themselves at made money. I already have mine and she is simply stunning. Makes a great autumn decoration in my daughter's room.

  2. Agree Jeff. Found interesting though the % that had no interest, based on the piece already at sell-out when I created the poll.

    I waited and had to make a couple inquiries before acquiring one. A couple dealers I spoke with said they didn't anticipate the popularity, so didn't order heavy. Was fortunate I located one rather quickly. Big Thanks to Pam & Nancy at Cel-Ebration who were able to locate one for me through their rep. You Guys Rock!

    Haven't received mine yet but looking forward to it. Mary & I both liked it very much from the photos and agree, perfect for fall/autumn with the leaf base.

  3. has ONLY 3 left us if you want one
